Monday, March 10, 2008

The Greatest Story Ever Told

Today I will diverse my attention away from sports for just a second, and let's discuss about religion. Religion has always been a significant topic all over the world since the ages. The questions about is there Heaven or Hell, is there a supreme being above us that watches our doings, these questions will and always have different answers. I am bringing up these topic not because i don't believe on a supreme being, but because I watched a documentary called ZEITGEIST, where it seeks to persuade its viewers that the author of the New Testament borrowed the idea of Jesus, virgin birth, disciples, miracles, crucifixion and the inevitable three days resurrection from ancient pagan mystery religion that existed long before the time of Christ. Should we believe the church, that there is truly a supreme being or reevaluate the fact that Jesus is yet another myth designed for us to believe, like the great Hercules, or the other endless lists of Greek mythologies? I guess we all have to decide for ourselves what to or not to believe. My opinion is, sometimes it's comforting to believe in something greater than us. The  not knowing isn't what matters, but the believing that counts, so believe in whatever you believe in as long as it gives you that sense of comfort.   



Anonymous said...

I believe that there is a supreme being God, and I also believe in the bible, even though I have questioned it before. There is also a lot of religions and denominations that can make people become confused too. But I think everyone is entitled to their beliefs. Based on what I have read in the bible I don't agree with the ZEITGEIST documentary.

MalmsteenRulez! said...

I believe that there is a supreme being, whomever you may believe it to be. I agree that people are totally free to choose any religion or belief they want. I just don't like it when people start to get too fanatical and think that their religion or belief is the best and try to impose their belief on others.