Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Sleeping(Pro or Con)

A lot of great minds will say sleeping is a total waste of time, I mean sincerely why sleep when you could do other important things in life; I don't know, may be work. My point is, they always say a person have to stop and smell the roses which also relates to sleeping, because when you sleep it also counts as stopping, maybe not literally but theoretically speaking, when we bring up the conscious and subconscious state of mind, I mean life is too short and time has a twisted sense of humor of not waiting for anybody, so why waste that when if you die which we all will someday we could have everlasting sleep. But on the other hand sleeping is the only time we have as earth bound humans to interpret what happens during the day and of course process those information when we are awake and the act of dreaming: where we live extraordinary life sometimes bad, sometimes good, and those in between, a place of peace, a place where the impossible is inevitable, where we could feel like a kid again.